Self Massage / Dry Brushing

Self Massage

Self-massage should become part of your daily care routine. However, if you have any indication of an infection or injury to an affected area, modify or skip self-massage to avoid spreading infection. Resume massage after the infection has been controlled.

Self massage may not be recommended if you have unstable heart disease, bronchial asthma, renal failure, cirrhosis, acute deep vein thrombosis, complex regional pain syndrome, an untreated thyroid condition, untreated tuberculosis, or lymphedema caused by malignancy.

Dry Brushing

Skin brushing (dry brushing) is practiced when the skin is dry, before bathing or applying oil or lotion. The benefits are to remove dead cells, stimulate the lymphatic system beneath the skin, aid in removal of accumulated toxins and give you a feeling of regeneration. The brushing promotes exfoliation, skin renewal and revitalization, and the stimulation of the lymphatic and nervous systems beneath the skin.

You will be guided by your therapist which direction to dry brush according to your condition.

Why do self lymph massage (SLD)?

The goal of self massage is to shift or encourage fluids to move away from the swollen area so it can drain normally.

  • Self massage also encourages and improves lymph drainage in the healthy lymph vessels, which helps keep fluid away from swollen areas
  • Self massage should take about 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening
  • After the SLD put on your compression garment

We will instruct you on the proper way to do self-massage according to your condition.